The onset of spring cannot be denied now, with the warming temperatures, lighter evenings and the morning dawns becoming earlier. Spring is upon us, though there maybe many false dawns before the days of frost and grey fog are behind us. Spring is one of the four seasons and my favourite. It’s the period between winter and summer, and for me the words Spring and Springtime bring thoughts of life, birth and regrowth to our countryside.
With nature coming into its own from months of dormant inactivity, Spring is a truly beautiful time and one I encourage everyone to just sit somewhere, listen and watch as nature unfolds. A lot of behaviour within the animal world starts in spring, handsome males showing off, displaying to each other in an act of supremacy over the other, using whatever they can to win over the attentions of the females securing a mate for that year. With the lighter mornings and evenings now wildlife becomes busier, more active giving greater opportunities to photograph its beauty.
The axis of the earth during Spring is increasing its tilt toward the sun and the length of daylight rapidly increases along with the temperatures. The result being new life, growth and longer days with more chances of beautiful sunrises and sunsets. So make the most of this amazing time and get out into nature as much as you can over the next couple of months and you won’t be disappointed.
Thank you to my clients who’ve attended my one to one wildlife photography days over the last couple of weeks. I take them to some of my favorite places around the UK. Its also been great to get out among the UK countryside where I have a number of projects I’m working on inbetween my trips, workshops and one to ones. Some of the images from these are included in this post.
As a working wildlife photographer its something I truly love and you are always learning from your time with nature each time you enter the natural world. When I’m not running my own tours and workshops I’m always working on my own work “crafting my craft” as I call it and feel it’s really important to do this. Respecting wildlife, working with integrity and ethics while using your own skills and knowledge to gain an insight into the lives of the nature is key as a wildlife photographer.
Just open your window, go for a walk or just stop and look and you will see this amazing time of year all around you. It truly is a great time to be among our stunning countryside and good luck to you all.